Bathroom Modifications

Bathroom Modifications Bathroom Modifications 29

Bathroom Modifications

In some cases, it’s not feasible to undertake partial works without having a flow-on effect. Depending on your bathroom layout and construction, a full renovation may be necessary to meet modification requirements and safety solutions to enhance safety, accessibility, and space effectively.

We offer a range of solutions to enhance bathroom accessibility and safety. We can install hand showers on variance grab rails, along with in-wall mixers for single-hand operation. Some mixers feature longer handles, ideal for those with hand dexterity, strength, or arthritis challenges.

We can create open showers with no hobs or tripping points, using slip-resistant floor tiles throughout. To limit water spread, we can install fixed glass panels or weighted shower curtains on tracks, custom-shaped to fit and aesthetically suit your space. We can also design bathrooms as full wet rooms, which don’t require shower screens or curtains.

Our custom-made or prefabricated vanities and wall basins are designed to suit seated users at a lower height, and safety grab rails can be seamlessly integrated into towel rails, toilet roll holders, and shower shelves. We also provide toilet suites with raised pans for easier transitions and nearby rails for added support if required.

You can also rest assured that all our electrical works and modifications ensure compliance with Australian Standards.

Contact Perth TLC Group to discover bathroom modifications that enhance the safety and independence of you or your loved ones. We collaborate closely with clients, their families, and occupational therapists to achieve the very best outcomes… ensuring every project is delivered with the utmost TLC.

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Perth TLC Group handle all your home and property needs with expert services and personalised care. Send us an enquiry today to see how we can give your property the TLC it deserves!

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